Wednesday, April 27, 2011

First Entry..

Who would have thought I would have a blog!!?

I'm not sure if this is a good thing, being able to talk about anything on the world wide web.
I mean who will really read this besides some poor shmucks aka my friends (: LOVE YOU!

Okay here we go... hmmm...
So how about those Blue Jays. Actually when ever I say that it usually means I'm trying to change the topic and you know what it works. EVERYTIME! Think about it, usually the Blue Jays are playing well for a period of time before the typical slump or they just aren't doing very well. 
My advice is when ever you are in a conversation and you want to change the topic take a VERY quick pause and say "So how about those Blue Jays?" 
When talking to a male it will be easy breezy.
When talking to a female you might have to do some explaining but not all the time. Some of us do know sports. 

Either way you are now out of the clear. Yeah yeah you're welcome.

And you know what Johnny Mac is a G and makes absolutely amazing plays. I don't give a damn if he can't hit, has hands like a magician.

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