Friday, April 29, 2011

Dear Starbucks, you are just another piece of work.

Dear Starbucks, you are just another piece of work. 

Starbucks, Starbucks, Starbucks, where do I even start. You charge over $3 for a medium tea. Oh wait sorry that's right it's  "grande" not medium. Please do forgive my mistake....  Anyways do you really need to stand out and be so "posh" by using another language? Give me a break. 
First of all my tongue is still recovering from a burn from 4 days ago. Yes yes I should sue you but I have better things to do. 
Like rant about you on my blog no one reads. *as she laughs to herself*

Back to the reason, no many reasons you "grind my gears"  ...  "rev my engine" and NO you're not revving it in a good way. 
Your chai latte AND London fog should die!
Spent half the time just trying to get past the foam to welcome my tongue to HELL!!! Yes, tongue hell.  You'd think after all that time it would've  cooled down. Yeah no, not the case.
For over $4 I had to sift through foam and ended up sending my tongue to a burning hell. Thanks. 

Oh by the way. I could go to Tim Hortons with $3 and get a bagel toasted with butter, a large tea and get a penny back. OH WAIT here's the best part.
See not only have I gotten more for my buck. I don't have to waste my time. 
If I wanted to make my own tea I could have done that in the convenience of my own home, thank you very much. 

But obviously people like you for some odd reason. 

I'll let you in on a little secret. They only like you for your looks. 

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Single for 5 months...good season Boys!

End of a great season and relationship
Oddly I am content with this loss. A good series filled tons of with emotions. Emotions beyond just this season. Years and years of emotions.  

I'll be honest this game was beyond trying to win a Stanley cup. It was a possibility of a longer companionship, a longer relationship. 

Hockey is more then just being one of the best sports in the world. It provides that one on one time a few nights a week normal people would get from a boyfriend or girlfriend.
But for a weird-o like myself, I turn to it like a relationship. You're thinking "she must have psychological problems" okay I may have to agree with you but who's the one having more fun(:

But I'll break it down for you, in a relationship what do you get?
•spend quality time together•talk about similar interests 
•go out for dinners•buy each other presents
•enjoy a roller coaster ride of emotions •someone to rely on
•create a family/best friend/partner

Now I can say for each one of those (personally) I experience all of them. 

I spend at least 3 days a week watching the game for 2 to 3 hours. What are our similar interests? Well hockey of course. Yeah once in a while we go out "for dinners" and buy "each other presents" aka I go to a bar and buy myself jerseys and etc. 
Emotions???!!! Are you kidding me!? Mad, happy, sad, pissed off, excited, surprised, and so on.
Oh and I can rely that they will be there at 4-430 on the nights we "hang out"
Family, partnership? Okay maybe not as much but my fellow fans are my family. We support each other in losses and fight about stupid things.

So there you go. You're probably thinking I need to be checked into a mental clinic. Or maybe you have already picked up the phone to try and save my poor soul. Sorry you're too late. *as she laughs to herself* Well people you have either read too far into this post or haven't read enough into it.

I'm a hockey fan. I make it part of my life. Maybe more then I should but hey as Bon Jovi says "it's my life"

Now think about what your crazy obsession is..... You know you have one (:    Indulge in it, it makes you, you!

First Entry..

Who would have thought I would have a blog!!?

I'm not sure if this is a good thing, being able to talk about anything on the world wide web.
I mean who will really read this besides some poor shmucks aka my friends (: LOVE YOU!

Okay here we go... hmmm...
So how about those Blue Jays. Actually when ever I say that it usually means I'm trying to change the topic and you know what it works. EVERYTIME! Think about it, usually the Blue Jays are playing well for a period of time before the typical slump or they just aren't doing very well. 
My advice is when ever you are in a conversation and you want to change the topic take a VERY quick pause and say "So how about those Blue Jays?" 
When talking to a male it will be easy breezy.
When talking to a female you might have to do some explaining but not all the time. Some of us do know sports. 

Either way you are now out of the clear. Yeah yeah you're welcome.

And you know what Johnny Mac is a G and makes absolutely amazing plays. I don't give a damn if he can't hit, has hands like a magician.