Many people will say the same thing about me.
Many people will come to an agreement of what I'm like, what I like and how I am.
By the way they talk about me it sounds great.
Unfortunately that's my surface... and makes me realize how many people really don't know me.
Even my own family.
Friends I really thought were closer.... really aren't and really don't know anything about me.
Regardless God bless them.
My real friends..actually I think anyone's real friends are those who question and constantly challenge them.
Maybe once in a while judge them accordingly.
SHOUT OUT to my real friends who do that for me, I appreciate you more than you can really understand.
I love you guys like my family because you are my family, blood or not.
To those who I thought were close to me and now over time have realized we really aren't that close...I still appreciate you and have love for ya.
That is all.
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