Tuesday, August 21, 2012

three precious moments...

I had you in my life for 3 moments... 3 precious moments and I will never forget them.
I tried to fight the feeling and did it was successfully... but then I thought this time I would just let it win.

DAMN it felt good.
You made me feel sick, I mean sick to my stomach, I wanted to throw up.
Was it the alcohol? No.
Was it this thing called butterflies? Yes.

You stole my mind with that kiss and almost my heart. Good thing I keep that ish locked up in a safe. HAHA.
I don't really know what else to say...
I am sad you left my life but am so blessed you came into my life. You were sent from God.
You brought passion back into my life, true passion. Thank you.
You reminded me of exactly what I want and need in my life. Thank you.

always in my prayers, always loving your presence and knowledge and always, always in my heart<3
cheers to bringing the butterflies back in my life, thanks.

That is all.


Wednesday, August 15, 2012

losing each other along the way...

We never really were that close.
We have tried to make this strong bond many times before but it just doesn't seem to stick.

Who are we kidding we are different regardless of our blood bond.
Same house, different lives lived.

Seems you put more effort into other people than the person across the hall.
It's like how nowadays when you hang out with people they seem to be on their phones more than having a conversation with the person right beside them. Sad.

I love you and will always love you but truth is is you don't care or you just have tried to care as much as you can but it still translates to me as not caring.

All I can say is I do feel bad that I am not what you hoped I would be but I am who I am and hopefully you can learn to accept it a little more each day that passes.

We all struggle with the relationships with family members, significant others and friends.
All I can hope is even if we can't be close we can at least be honest and accepting. 

So cheers to waiting for the day that can happen between each other.

That is all.


Tuesday, August 14, 2012

dont answer. weirdo...

So I have probably the worst luck in the love department... I mean horrible.
I am never too rattled by it because well I'm just not... only under crazy circumstances.

So I meet many people and swap many numbers because my motto is; LFT because TIP 
Which means 'Live for today because tomorrow isn't promised'

I met a fellow brother(s) and one was a little too eager and the other was chill so obviously I hit it off with the chill one better but still exchanged numbers with both of them.
It was funny because 'eager brother' looked SO FAMILIAR yet I couldn't put my finger on it and I kept saying ''I know you from somewhere, I know you''

As I eventually started talking with 'chill brother' the next day I still hadn't heard from 'eager brother' so the both of us laughed and wondered when he would spit his 'game' (no offense if you ever read this but the truth is the truth)

So a couple days later I get a text from.... guess who.... and I seriously swear this is what he showed up as..
"Dont Answer. Weirdo"
I am not one to cast a huge judgement on someone but this guy obviously still lives up to his 'eager' 'name'

I knew I knew this guy. What makes it worse is that he acted like he didn't know me. I legitimately forgot.
Typical scenarios in my life. Boy do I hate and love it hahaha!!

That is all.


Only knowing the surface...

Many people will say the same thing about me.
Many people will come to an agreement of what I'm like, what I like and how I am.

By the way they talk about me it sounds great.
Unfortunately that's my surface... and makes me realize how many people really don't know me.
Even my own family.

Friends I really thought were closer.... really aren't and really don't know anything about me.
Regardless God bless them.

My real friends..actually I think anyone's real friends are those who question and constantly challenge them.
Maybe once in a while judge them accordingly.

SHOUT OUT to my real friends who do that for me, I appreciate you more than you can really understand.
I love you guys like my family because you are my family, blood or not.

To those who I thought were close to me and now over time have realized we really aren't that close...I still appreciate you and have love for ya.

That is all.


Friday, August 10, 2012

impatiently waiting...

i want something but i am unaware of what it actually is...

i have many thoughts of what it may be...

i have a question but not an answer.

so here i am wondering, questioning and waiting..
it could be all three or it could just be my////

all i know is that there is something missing and i'm looking for it and have yet to find it.
i wish i could get a little more guidance.

only God knows what it is at this time.
i just hope He throws me a bone soon because i don't know if i can wait anymore...

all i do know is, is that sometimes all we need is someone to sit with us silently in our moment of weakness and listen to that song that makes us feel even more emotional yet it still seems to be the perfect song for the moment
