You don't want the truth, you ain't even close to being ready to hear the truth.
I am that one friend you hate to have because I'm not afraid to tell the truth, which will then make you love me.
(Yes it's a trap. I've trapped you into loving me hahaha.)
Anyways, I don't understand all of this bullshit nowadays. Who the fuck are you trying to convince? 'Cause I sure as hell know it ain't me.
The beauty of the truth is not just about "setting you free" it's about moving miles away from that stuff and transforming yourself into something even better.
Please, for the sake of yourself and everybody else just speak the truth.
Not everyone is judging you and if they are they're probably a shitty friend you need to discard of or maybe stop talking your shit to random people.
As a friend, stranger, fellow sister and human-being I am defiantly not judging you right now I'm just giving you that "get your shit together and grow as a person" slap.
You are surrounded by many friends and family but at night it's you and when you wake up in the morning it's you. The lies live with you and you only. (and God if that's something you believe in.) So just be real with yourself.
I hope this wakes you up and if not that's cool.
I am a shoulder, ear and an honest mouth if ever needed. & that's for anyone.