Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Merci...hell no I will NOT thank you!

Merci.. no more like NO THANK YOU.
I wish I was getting paid to make this crap!

This commercial is a DISGRACE!! (To anyone who enjoys commercials)
Watch it..

First of all you have a crappy English speaker as the main speaker yet you have harsh Europeans in the commercial... 
I want this to be KNOWN that the ONLY reason I even tried this chocolate was because it was at someones house and they insisted I eat is as it was apparently "The BEST chocolate ever"
No no no the only reason it tasted pretty good was because of the horrible ad and I was hungry.
If anything I'd rather eat some cheaper chocolate like Kit-Kat or Mini Eggs.

Come on I mean at least can the guy say "Merci" correctly? I know Americans from the South who could knock it out of the park better than this fool.*as she laughs to herself*
& come on "Thank you means Merci" really? really?? REALLY??? 
Once again I wish I was being paid to make this crappy commercial. 
Watching this.. no no thinking about this ad and that word now DRIVES ME INSANE
I will spend my time giving it as much negative feed back that who ever was in charge of hiring and making that ad should never be allowed to make that decision again. (Ok maybe I won't be the only reason but I'll tell myself that I am the reason)

"Thank you means Merci"... HAHAHA thanks genius you're so clever ;) What am I in my grade 4 french class again??
That is all. 

Where and What is Your Passion..

It's been brought to my attention that I haven't wrote a blog rant in a while. 
I had up until then thought it was because I had nothing to rant about/just write about... 
After staring at the screen wondering why I couldn't finish more then one sentence it all made sense.
I have too many things I want to write.
Very very very few people read this so(six to be exact) what the hell.. I'll write as I damn please.
Whether it's funny, serious, romantic, hateful or just plain stupid I will write it. 
Like my grade six diary.

So what is on the young bucks mind? Oh bozhe tons!
My question is...
Why do so many of us crave love from the opposite sex so badly?
Don't get me wrong love is a beautiful thing but.. 
Why don't we crave the same way for our own personal success;however small it may be.
I just don't understand where our passion has gone.
So many people I've met have no clue what they want to do or out of life..besides riches and love.
Where is the passion!? What drives you, makes you smile, makes you laugh?
Now go out there and GET IT. 
The funny thing is we tend to fear going after it because we fear failing. 

In my opinion your failure is solely weighed and measured by yourself.
Someone may tell you one thing but they are not the one doing the final weigh are!
& really.. is it really a failure or is it a mistake and once you change that word you can change your whole concept.
& when you make mistakes you fix it and do better.
End of story. 

Don't doubt yourself because YOU are sealing shut the doors which lead to many different adventures you will now not experience. 

Haha I have defiantly ranted off.. and I am quite content with clicking enter without changing anything.

Isn't it funny how at the end of the day all the expectations we feel placed on our shoulders are not actually from everyone else but from ourselves. 

i love when i rant and finally find answers to my questions.